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Melbournians and Greeks are as close as two cultures can be when located on the other side of the world. Melbourne has long been famous for having the largest contingent of greeks outside of their homeland. Which has been an absolute godsend to the Melbourne culinary scene.

Alatonero brings that Greek heritage to the seaside resort town of Mcrae, an hour south-east of Melbourne. It is located in the shadows of the Mcrae lighthouse, right on the shores of Port Phillip Bay.

We had an amazing lunch, having successfully escaped our children, it was all very adult. It reminded us of a time where peace and quiet was the norm. Where my wife and I could complete a sentence without hearing the word “Dad” every three seconds. It felt strangely familiar but also as if from a time long ago.

This restaurant has created a great fusion between Greek and Australian culture. It has the look of an Australian beach box with the laid-back attitude of the Greek Isles. The food was delicious and fresh as all good Greek fare should be.

The calamari was fresh, had great texture and flavoursome. The Greek salad was a great compliment, colourful and simple it was delicious. The octopus was delightful but the highlight was the goat which was amazing.

A great restaurant, especially in summer where you could easily be in confused for being on the Santorini waterfront!

4 grubs.

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